Convergence Diagnostics and Output Analysis tool

The syntax for constructing a Convergence Diagnostics and Output Analysis object is as follows:

CODA(chains[, prior])                

Tabela 9.19. CODA constructor settings

Parameter nameParameter typeDescription
chainsMarkovChain[] an array of chains to examine
priorMultivariateDistributionthe a-priori distribution

Tabela 9.20. CODA methods

Method name and syntax Description of parameters Output Output type
   an OutputAnalysis object
   a Diagnostics object
  displays a window with statistical infomation about the chains void

Rysunek 9.1. A CODA information window

A CODA information window

Output Analysis

The constructor of OutputAnalysis objects has the following syntax:

OutputAnalysis(chains, prior)                 

where chains is an array of MarkovChain (MarkovChain[]) and prior is a MultivariateDistribution object.

Tabela 9.21. OutputAnalysis methods

Method name and syntax Description of parameters Output Output type
  a Statistics object containing various statistics  
chainNr - the number of chain for calculations (int) mean variance of mean calculated in batch mode (i.e. calculated on data split into a number of groups, the result is the variance between means calculated for each group) double[]
chainNr - the number of chain for calculations (int) the standard error calculated in batch mode double[]
  the kernel density estimator used for displaying density plots a KernelDensityEstimator object
kde - a KernelDensityEstimator object which should be used for displaying density plots  void
  displays a window with trace and density plots void


Statistics are created by an OutputAnalysis object.

Tabela 9.22. Statistics methods

Method name and syntax Description of parameters Output Output type
  a string contaning all statistical information String
  displays a window with all statistical information void

Rysunek 9.2. A Statictics window

A Statictics window
Chain Statistics

A ChainStatistics object contains statistics for a single Markov chain.

Tabela 9.23. ChainStatistics public fields

mode the mode values for the chain double[]
median the median values for the chain double[]
average the average values for the chain double[]
standardDeviation standard deviation values for the chain double[]
naiveStandardError the standard error values for the chain calculated as double[]
batchStandardError the standard error values calculated in batch mode double[]
batchSize the size of samples used in batch mode int
quantiles a two dimensiona array of quantiles: 1st dimension - the no. of rank of quantile (its value is on the corresponding position of quantilesRank), 2nd dimenson - the no. of attribute double[][]
quantilesRank the ranks of quantiles double[]
varName variables names String[]

Tabela 9.24. ChainStatistics methods

Method name and syntax Description of parameters Output Output type
  a string with all statistical information about the current chain String

Trace plots

A trace plot for a given variable shows the value of that variable for every moment in the chain. Traces of a variable descending from two or more different chains are shown on the same plot.

Rysunek 9.3. Trace plot for one variable

Trace plot for one variable

Density plots

Density plots show the estimated density of each variable. Samples for estimation are taken from all chains combined togoether. If prior is defined, the plot of prior density is also drawn on the chart. Confidence levels for both densities are also displayed. The various etimating methods is decribed in the subsection below. Kernel type and confidence interval can be chosen from the Settings menu.

Rysunek 9.4. Density plot for one variable

Density plot for one variable

Kernel Density Estimators

The constructor has the following syntax:


Tabela 9.25. KernelDensityEstimator constructor settings

Parameter nameParameter typeDescription
typeKernelType the type of kernel

Tabela 9.26. KernelDensityEstimator methods

Method name and syntax Description of parameters Output Output type
  the type of kernel used for estimation KernelType
kernel - the type of kernel which should be used for estimation(KernelType )  void
  the bannwidth, default is NaN double
bw - the bandwidth (double)  void
  retrieves the bandwidth used for the most recent estimation, if bandwidth had been set to NaN it would have been automatically calculated using the thumb ruledouble
  the number of points used for estimation int
points - the number of points in which the density should be estimated  void
x - real observations a two dimensional array of estimantes (2nd. position) and calculation points (1st. position) double[][]

The thumb rule for calculating the bandwidth

If not specified (NaN), the bandwidth is calculated as:

where is the canonical bandwidth of the given kernel and is the canonical bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel.

Tabela 9.27. Estimation kernel types

Kernel nameDefinitionCanonical bandwidth


The constructor of Diagnostics objects has the following syntax:


where chains is an array of MarkovChain (MarkovChain[]).

Tabela 9.28. Diagnostics methods

Method name and syntax Description of parameters Output Output type
  a Geweke object containing Geweke z-statictics a Geweke object
  an Autocorrelation object containing the autocorrelation statistics an Autocorrelation object
  a GelmanRubin object containing the values of R and multiR coefficients a GelmanRubin object


The Autocorrelation class can calculate autocorrelation up to 50 lags.

The constructor has the following syntax:


where chains is an array of MarkovChain (MarkovChain[]).

Tabela 9.29. Autocorrelation methods

Method name and syntax Description of parameters Output Output type
corr(chainNr)chainNr - the number of the chain for which autocorrelattion should be calculated (int) a three dimensional array of correlation coefficients consisting of correlation matrices with appropriate lag of second variable: 1st. dimension - the number of lag, 2nd and 3rd dimensions - the variable numbers double[][][]
  a four dimensional array of autocorrelation data for all chains: 1st. dimension - the chain number, 2nd. dimension - the lag number, 3rd. and 4th, dimensions - the variable numbers double[][][][]
  displays the autocorrelation plots void
  displays a window with the autocorrelation statistics void
toString()  returns a string with the autocorrelation statistics String

Rysunek 9.5. A window witth autocorrelation statistics

A window witth autocorrelation statistics

Rysunek 9.6. Autocorrelation plots

Autocorrelation plots


This convergence diagnostic is based on a test for equality of the means of the first and last part of the Markov chain (by default the first 10% and the last 50%). If the samples are drawn from the stationary distribution of the chain, the two means are equal and Geweke's statistic has an asymptotically standard normal distribution. The test statistic is a standard Z-score: the difference between the two sample means divided by its estimated standard error calculated under the assumption that the two parts of the chain are asymptotically independent, which requires that the sum of this two fractions is strictly less than 1.

Plots show what happens to Geweke's Z-score when successively larger numbers of iterations are discarded from the beginning of the chain. The first half of the Markov chain is divided into segments (by default ), and next the Geweke's Z-score is repeatedly calculated. The first Z-score is calculated with all iterations in the chain, the second after discarding the first segment, the third after discarding the first two segments, and so on. The last Z-score is calculated using only the samples in the second half of the chain and the plot never discards more than half of the chain to preserve the asymptotic conditions required for Geweke's diagnostic.

The constructor has the following syntax:


where chains is an array of MarkovChain (MarkovChain[]).

Tabela 9.30. Geweke methods

Method name and syntax Description of parameters Output Output type
  a two dimensional array with zScores values: 1st. dimension - the chain number, 2nd. dimension - the variable number. double[][]
  displays a window with Geweke plots void
  displays a window with Geweke z-scores void
toString()  returns a string with Geweke z-scores String


Gelman and Rubin in 1992 proposed a general approach to monitoring convergence of MCMC output in which two or more parallel chains are run with starting values that are overdispersed relative to the posterior distribution. [Brooks, Gelman 1998] Convergence is diagnosed when the chains have 'forgotten' their initial values, and the output from all chains is indistinguishable. This diagnostic is applied to a single variable from the chain. It is based a comparison of within-chain and between-chain variances, and is similar to a classical analysis of variance. Additionaly, multivariate version of the R coefficient is also calculated.

Plots show the evolution of Gelman and Rubin's shrink factor and variances calculated on the second half of the chain as the number of iterations increases.

The constructor has the following syntax:


where chains is an array of MarkovChain (MarkovChain[]).

Tabela 9.31. GelmanRubin methods

Method name and syntax Description of parameters Output Output type
  calculates the multivariate potential scale reduction factor double
  calculates the multivariate potential scale reduction factor for the second halves of the chains double
  calculates the (univariate) potential scale reduction factor for variable double[]
  calculates the (univariate) potential scale reduction factor for each variable for the second halves of the chains double[]
  calculates the within variance matrix double[][]
getDetWithinVariance()   calculates the determinant of the within variance matrix double
  calculates the within variance matrix for the second halves of the chains double[][]
double getDetWithinVariance50()  calculates the determinant of the within variance matrix for second halves of the chains double
  calculates the posterior variance matrix double[][]
  calculates the determinant of the posterior variance matrix double
  calculates the posterior variance matrix for the second halves of the chains double[][]
  calculates the determinant of the posterior variance matrix for the second halves of the chains double
plots()  displays the Gelman&Rubin plots window void
display()  displays a window with Gelman&Rubin diagnostic data void
toString()  returns a string with Gelman&Rubin diagnostic data String

Rysunek 9.7. A window with Gelman&Rubin diagnostic data

A window with Gelman&Rubin diagnostic data

Rysunek 9.8. A window with Gelman&Rubin plots

A window with Gelman&Rubin plots