Objective Function

The objective nonlinear function (NLF) may belong to one of the following types:

The objective function should be defined as an object belonging to a subclass of the AbstractNLF class.

In the constructor method of the function the dimension of its domain and its type should be specified .

If is optimized with an algorithm which uses the gradient, then the gradient should be calculated by the evaluate method of the function . If is optimized with an algorithm which uses the Hessian, then the Hessian should be calculated by the evaluate method of the function .

It is also necessary to choose the initial (starting) point of the algorithm with the setInitVector method (see Example) applied to the objective function . It is possible to decrease the number of calculated derivatives if such operation is very expensive. If so, please invoke the setExpensive()method with parameter TRUE on the NLF object.

Example 6.1. Objective Function (test function)

from biz.sc.math.opt.nlf import * 

class TestFunction(AbstractNLF): 
    def __init__(self, dim, type): 
        AbstractNLF.__init__(self, dim, type) 
        print "Function dimension : ", dim 
        print "Function type : ", type 

    def evaluate(self, x, fx, gx, Hx): 
        "@sig void evaluate(double[ ] x, double[ ] fx, double[ ] gx, double[ ][ ] Hx)" 
        if (fx != None): 
            fx[0] = x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]-2*x[1] 
        if (gx != None): 
            gx[0] = 2*x[0] 
            gx[1] = 2*x[1]-2 
        if (Hx != None): 
            Hx[0][0] = Hx[1][1] = 2 
            Hx[0][1] = Hx[1][0] = 0 

dim = 2 

f = TestFunction(dim, NLF.NLF2) 
f.setExpensive(TRUE) # if there is a real necessity


Function dimension :  2
Function type :  2