Creating custom reports

It is possible to create custom reports. Any data can be exported to a spreadsheets or text document. One can use styles, images, tables, and formatting rules. It is also possible to use charts for the exported data. This section describes how to create a custom report.

Creating and working with a spreadsheet document

The MS Office and OpenOffice programs uses the same API so no separate description is needed.

Creating a new spreadsheet document is easy. The following script shows how to accomplish this.

spreadsheet = Office.createSpreadsheet()

The spreadsheet document can be used to accomplish the tasks listed in the table below.

Table 5.2.  Methods for SpreadSheet objects

Task Method usage
Insert text data into a particular cell
setCellValue(columnIndex, rowIndex, "text")
Insert a numeric value into a particular cell
setCellValue(columnIndex, rowIndex, number)
Insert a formula into a particular cell
setCellValue(columnIndex, rowIndex, "formula")
Insert a data array at the specified destination cell
setCellValue(columnIndex, rowIndex, dataArray)
Formulas can't be inserted in this way.
Set cell range style
setStyle(spreadsheet.getCellRangeByName("cell-range"), spreadsheet.headerStyle)
See also Cells and cell ranges and Predifend styles.
Merge cell range
See also Cells and cell ranges.
Increment the indentation of cell range content
incrementIndent(spreadsheet.getCellRangeByName("cell-range"), indentationLevel)
See also Cells and cell ranges.
Decrement the indentation of cell range content
decrementIndent(spreadsheet.getCellRangeByName("cell-range"), indentationLevel)
See also Cells and cell ranges.
Set column width
setColumnWidth(columnIndex, newColumnWidth)
Set optimal column width
Insert a bar chart see Inserting Charts
Insert a DataPilot see Inserting a DataPilot
Insert a new sheet, activate a sheet see Managing sheets


MS Office uses localized formula names, while OpenOffice does not. This affects the formulas with functions like SUM, MEAN, etc.

All of the above methods should be called as shown below:

spreadsheet.method(Paramter1, Parameter2, ... )

Where spreadsheet is the spreadsheet document object, created using: SpreadsheetWrapper(officeConnection.createSpreadsheetDocument())

See the basic example below:

# Create a spreadsheet document object
spreadsheet = Office.createSpreadsheet()

# Insert text data into the cell A1
spreadsheet.setCellValue(0,0, "Text example")

# Insert a floating point number into the cell A2
spreadsheet.setCellValue(0,1, 12.5)

# Insert an integer number into the cell A3
spreadsheet.setCellValue(0,2, 100)

#Insert a formula with style headerStyle into the cell A4
spreadsheet.setCellValue(0,3, "=A2*A3", spreadsheet.headerStyle)

Exporting data to a spreadsheet

A table can be exported to a spreadsheet for further processing. AdvancedMiner provides the readTable method which reads the table into memory as a two-dimensional array. The array can then be used to export the data into a spreadsheet. This is a fast method. (The listing below is a part of the tutorial script

The limitation of the spreadsheet is that only c.a. 65000 rows and 256 columns can be read into single sheet. If the data consists of more than 256 columns, it will be divided into separate sheets. There is no workaround for the row number limit.

Example 5.1. Exporting data to a spreadsheet

# After the connection is established a new spreadsheet document
# is created
spreadsheet = Office.createSpreadsheet()

# Create a new table using the standard table procedure
table 'openoffice_test1':
    a   b   c   d   e
    1   1   2   3   'ABC'
    2   2   1   3   'ABC'
    4   4   2   1   'DEF'
    1   1   2   3   'ABC'
    2   2   1   3   'ABC'
    4   4   2   1   'DEF'
    1   1   2   3   'ABC'
    2   2   1   3   'ABC'
    4   4   2   1   'DEF'

# Now the table is available in the database, so we can import
# it into OpenOffice

# At first write the header...
spreadsheet.setCellValue(0, 0, 'a')
spreadsheet.setCellValue(1, 0, 'b')
spreadsheet.setCellValue(2, 0, 'c')
spreadsheet.setCellValue(3, 0, 'd')
spreadsheet.setCellValue(4, 0, 'e')

# ...and next write the data
trans None <- 'openoffice_test1':
	$spreadsheet.setCellValue(0, __rowNumber__+1, a)
	$spreadsheet.setCellValue(1, __rowNumber__+1, b)
	$spreadsheet.setCellValue(2, __rowNumber__+1, c)
	$spreadsheet.setCellValue(3, __rowNumber__+1, d)
	$spreadsheet.setCellValue(4, __rowNumber__+1, e)

# The task is done, but this is a very slow method and the user has
# to know column names
# There also is an optimized and fast method of reading a table into
# openspreadsheet.

# Add a new sheet to our spreadsheet document
sheet1 = spreadsheet.newSheet("FastImport")

# Read the table...
data = tableRead('openoffice_test1')
spreadsheet.setCellValue(0,0, data)

The above script opens a spreadsheet file with two spreadsheets, each of which containins the data from the openoffice_test1 table.

Figure 5.2. Spreadsheet with data copied from a database table

Spreadsheet with data copied from a database table

Cells and Cell Ranges

When working with a spreadsheet it is often necessary to select a single cell or a range of cells. Some methods also require cells or cell ranges as parametera. These objects can be obtained from a spreadsheet using the following commands:

# You can get a cell by its position (counted from 0)

# You can get a cell range by name

# and get the cell range by position.
sheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, 2, 4)

Inserting charts

AdvancedMiner supports inserting charts into office suite spreadsheets (only bar charts are implemented).

Charts in spreadsheets are created by adding a chart element and setting up the chart.

Example 5.2. Creating charts in a spreadsheet

spreadsheet = Office.createSpreadsheet()

# Prepare some data to write to the active sheet
values = [ ['Value', 'Count'],
           ['5', 300],
           ['6', 102],
           ['7', 105],
           ['8', 15],
           ['9', 5],
           ['10', 45]
# Writes the prepared data array to the sheet. Begining at the cell 0,0 (A1)
spreadsheet.setCellValue(0,0, values)

# Insert the chart
chart = spreadsheet.addChart("unique_name")

# Set where the source data is
chart.setDataRanges( collection( [ spreadsheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0,0, 1, 6) ] ) )
# the data range can consist of separate ranges, so it is necessary to use collection([ range1, range2, ...]) syntax

# The position and size of the chart is defined by another cell range
chart.setPositionAndSize( spreadsheet.getCellRangeByPosition( 0, 7, 6, 14) )

# The first row is a header
chart.setFirstColumnHeader( 1 )

# The first column contains data labels, so should be treated
# as a header
chart.setFirstColumnHeader( 1 )

The spreadsheet created by this script is shown in the figure below.

Figure 5.3. Spreadsheet with data copied from a database table

Spreadsheet with data copied from a database table

Inserting a data pilot

AdvancedMiner provides the functionality to insert a DataPilot (pivotTable) into an office spreadsheet.

Example 5.3. Creating a pivot table

# After the connection is established a new spreadsheet document
# is created
spreadsheet = Office.createSpreadsheet()

# Create sample data
table 'openoffice_test1':
    a   b   c   d   e
    1   1   2   3   'ABC'
    2   2   1   3   'ABC'
    4   4   2   1   'DEF'
    1   1   2   3   'ABC'
    2   2   1   3   'ABC'
    4   4   2   1   'DEF'
    1   1   2   3   'ABC'
    2   2   1   3   'ABC'
    4   4   2   1   'DEF'

# Export the data into a spreadsheet
data = tableRead('openoffice_test1')

# Write data array into the spreadsheet
spreadsheet.setCellDataArray(0, 0, data)

# Some properties of the data pilot have to be set before it can
# be added to the spreadsheet
dpp = DataPilotProperties()

# Add column indexes which should be treated as columns

# Add a row index

# Indicate which column should be used as the data for the
# data pilot

# Specify the source data range...
sourceCellRange = spreadsheet.getCurrentSheet().getCellRangeByPosition(0,0, 4, 9)

# ... and the destination of the inserted data pilot
destinationCell = spreadsheet.getCurrentSheet().getCellByPosition(0, 11)

# Insert the prepared data pilot
spreadsheet.insertDataPilot(dpp, sourceCellRange, destinationCell)

The spreadsheet created by this script is shown in the figure below.

Figure 5.4. Spreadsheet with a pivot table

Spreadsheet with a pivot table

Managing sheets

When a connection with an office suite is established and a new spreadsheet document is created, a new sheet is created in this document. The new sheet is active and current which means that every operation is performed on the current sheet. A new spreadsheet in an active document is created with the newSheet method. It is possible to switch between active spreadsheets with the setActiveSheet method. See the script below.

# After the connection is established a new spreadsheet document
# is created
spreadsheet = Office.createSpreadsheet()

# Create a new sheet with the name "My new sheet"
sheet1 = spreadsheet.newSheet("My new sheet")

# Insert some data
spreadsheet.setCellValue(0,0, 'ABC')

# Create a new sheet.
sheet2 = spreadsheet.newSheet("Another sheet")

# insert some data
spreadsheet.setCellValue(3, 3, 'Hello World?')

# Activate the first sheet again

It is important to realize that the new sheet becomes visible and current. One can switch between the sheets using setActiveSheet(sheetName) and setActiveSheet(sheetObject).

Predefined Styles

The Spreadsheet wrapper provides several predefined styles. The following table lists the predefined styles

Table 5.3. Predefined spreadsheet styles

headerStyleStandard style for headers
header1StyleAnother standard style for headers
level1StyleStyle for marking the first level of data
level2StyleStyle for marking the second level of data
level3StyleStyle for marking the third level of data
ooStyleEmpty style
rowLightStyleStyle for marking a row with light background
rowDarkStyleStyle for marking a row with dark background
whiteStyleWhite background style
significanceStyleBold and large font style

These styles can be applied to the following objects:

  • cell - using setCellStyle, or setCellValue

  • cell range - using setCellRangeStyle

  • rows, columns, cells in textTable in a text document

Example 5.4. Using the predefined styles

spreadsheet = Office.createSpreadsheet()

# Insert a value into cell and set a predefined style
spreadsheet.setCellValue(1,1, "Some text", spreadsheet.header1Style)

Custom styles

In fact predefined styles are sets of styles in the form of an array, so it is also possible to create custom styles. This is illustrated in the example below.

Example 5.5. Creating custom styles

spreadsheet = Office.createSpreadsheet()

# Create an empty array for styles
oStyle = []

# Use Office.createStyle to provide a style object.
oStyle.append(Office.createStyle(OStyle.CELL_BACK_COLOR, OStyle.COLOR_RED))
oStyle.append(Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_SIZE, 15))
oStyle.append(Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_WEIGHT, 150.0))
oStyle.append(Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_COLOR, OStyle.COLOR_WHITE))

#Now apply the prepared style to cell value
spreadsheet.setCellValue(1,1, "Some text", oStyle)

The following list contains the OStyle constants and their meaning

  • FONT_COLOR - font color, can be an integer number (RGB) or one of the predefined color constants

  • FONT_SIZE - font size in points

  • FONT_WEIGHT - font weight:. less than 100 means a normal font and more than 150 means a bold font

  • H_JUSTIFY - used to specify horizontal cell alignment

  • V_JUSTIFY - used to specify vertical cell alignment

  • BACK_COLOR - use this to set the background color for a font in a text document

  • CELL_BACK_COLOR - cell background color

  • COLOR_USER_DEF_1 - COLOR_USER_DEF_8 - colors definitions used by predefined styles

  • COLOR_RED - red color

  • COLOR_GREEN - green color

  • COLOR_BLUE - blue color

  • COLOR_BLACK - black color

  • COLOR_WHITE - white color

Creating and using a text document

AdvancedMiner also supports text documents. The code below shows how to create a text document.

textDocument = Office.createText()

The following table presents the methods of text documents

Table 5.4.  Text document methods

Task Method call example
Replace text in the whole document
Append text to the end of the document
Insert text at the beginning of the document
Set cursor style
# sets char color to red - colors are given in hexadecimal RGB format
setCursorStyle(Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_COLOR, OStyle.COLOR_RED))  

# sets bold font style                                                
setCursorStyle(Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_WEIGHT, 150))               
Insert a paragraph break character
Center the last paragraph
Left justify the last paragraph
Insert a table into a text document
textTable = createTable(rowCount, columnCount)
Insert data into the table
setCellStringValue(textTable, "A2", "TextData")
Set style for the whole table
# set dark gray table background                                    
setTableProperty(textTable, Office.createStyle(OStyle.BACK_COLOR, 0x606060))
Set style for a row of a text table
#set blue background color for the row at index 3                                   
setRowProperty(textTable, 3, Office.createStyle(OStyle.BACK_COLOR, OStyle.COLOR_BLUE)) 
Set style for a column of a text table
# set green background color for the second column                                    
setColumnProperty(textTable, 2, Office.createStyle(OStyle.BACK_COLOR, OStyle.COLOR_GREEN))
Set cursor style for the specified cell in a text table
# set small font size in A1 cell                                     
setCellCursorStyle(textTable, "A1", Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_SIZE, 8))
Insert an image

The methods should be called as follows:

textDocument.method(Parameter1, Paramter2, ...)

Images are inserted into a document as links.

The following example presents the basic reporting capabilities of text documents:

Example 5.6. Working with text documents

# Create a TextWrapper object, which acts as a text document
textDocument = Office.createText()

# Write the text
textDocument.appendString('First line of text, with standard style\n')
textDocument.appendString('This line is appended\n')

# Create a new paragraph and set its alignment
textDocument.appendString('This is new paragraph - it can have a different alignment than the first one');

# Create a new paragraph and set another cursor style - bold font
textDocument.setCursorStyle(Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_WEIGHT, 150.0))
textDocument.appendString('...THIS IS BOLD')

# Bring back normal character weight
textDocument.setCursorStyle(Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_WEIGHT, 100.0))

# But set a different font color
textDocument.setCursorStyle(Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_COLOR, OStyle.COLOR_BLUE))
textDocument.appendString("\nBLUE MAX\n")

A good practice in using styles is to predefine some styles and then simply use them instead of creating new every time when there is a need.

Example 5.7. Defining custom styles for a text document

# Create a TextWrapper object, which act as spreadsheet document
textDocument = Office.createText()

# Prepare some useful styles
boldFont = Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_WEIGHT, 150)
normalFont = Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_WEIGHT, 100)
big = Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_SIZE, 20)
small = Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_SIZE, 8)

# Use the styles
textDocument.appendString('...This is bold\n')

textDocument.appendString('...and BIG.\n')

textDocument.appendString('This line is thin...\n')

textDocument.appendString('...and this small\n')

The next example demonstrates how to insert a table into a text document and how to set the styles for cell content, row and table background:

Example 5.8. working with a table in a text document

# Create a TextWrapper object, which act as a text document
textDocument = Office.createText()

textDocument.appendString("See the table below:\n")

# Create a table with three columns and four rows
textTable = textDocument.createTable(4, 3)

# Prepare the styles
lightRedBackground = Office.createStyle(OStyle.BACK_COLOR, 0xffe0e0)
darkGreenBackground = Office.createStyle(OStyle.BACK_COLOR, 0x408040)
whiteFontColor = Office.createStyle(OStyle.FONT_COLOR, OStyle.COLOR_WHITE)

# Set the table background to light red
textDocument.setTableProperty(textTable, lightRedBackground)

# Set the first row background to dark green color
textDocument.setRowProperty(textTable, 0, darkGreenBackground)

# Now write in the first row values using white font color
textDocument.setCellCursorStyle(textTable, "A1", whiteFontColor)
textDocument.setCellStringValue(textTable, "A1", "First column")

textDocument.setCellCursorStyle(textTable, "B1", whiteFontColor)
textDocument.setCellStringValue(textTable, "B1", "Second column")

textDocument.setCellCursorStyle(textTable, "C1", whiteFontColor)
textDocument.setCellStringValue(textTable, "C1", "Third column")