Chapter 1. Workflow

Table of Contents

Introducing Workflow
Node descriptions
Connection status of nodes
Data sources
Data analysis
Technical Transformations (operations on data)
Analytical Transformations (Data Transformation)

Introducing Workflow

The Workflow component of the AdvancedMiner System is a graphical environment for data analysis, modeling and processing, designed to accelerate the process of creating and testing even very complex analytical models. Workflow's friendly user interface utilizes graphical nodes to represent various steps and elements of the analytical process, such as data sources, data processing, modeling, visualization. This approach allows users to set up and execute complex analytical processes without requiring advanced computational skills like scripting or writing database queries.

More advanced users can use Workflow to design custom nodes. Workflow also supports team works through portability of nodes or even complete work diagrams.

Workflow's user interface consists of a palette with a set of nodes representing various analytical tasks and a modeling and workspace.

Workflow usage at a glance: 

  • Workflow diagrams consist of nodes and connections between them. Diagrams are created by selecting nodes from the pallete and dragging them to the work area. Connections between nodes are also created using drag-and-drop techniques.

  • Additional information about nodes can be displayed on demand.

  • Hints as to which nodes can be connected are displayed

  • It is possible to validate nodes and set the values of various parameters for each node

  • Processing direction is indicated by arrows on lines connecting the nodes.

  • Currently processed and completed tasks (nodes) are distinguished by special graphical indicators.

  • It is possible to zoom in and out of the workspace.

  • Navigation window is available to assist in working with large projects

  • It is possible to execute the whole project at once, or limit the calculations to a subset of nodes.

  • Already executed nodes are recalculated only when necessary

  • Multithreading is supported for some tasks. The user can specify the maximum nyumber of threads to be executed in parallel.

Features of the workflow component: 

  • simplicity and intuitiveness

  • flexible graphical interface;

  • high performance

  • parallel processing